Mayer Plumbing
Mayer Plumbing

The #1 Referred Plumber in Ohio

Serving Cleveland, Akron and Medina since 1922


Mayer Plumbing offers a wide range of heating products and services to meet your every need. Contact us on 440-885-2800 440-885-2800 to inquire about how we can improve your existing home with our quality products and services.

Mayer Plumbing

Our Heating Products and Services Include:

  • Furnaces, energy-saving boilers and burners installed and serviced
  • Expert troubleshooting and diagnosis for both furnaces and air conditioning systems
  • Complete sheet metal fabrications and installations
  • Carbon monoxide detection
  • Humidification and filtration systems installed
  • Violation corrections
  • A variety of systems and equipment to fit your budget
  • Preventative maintenance
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Why pay attention to an automatic and programmable thermostat?
What Is a Thermostat?
What should one know about general thermostat operation?
Why install a thermostat with automatic temperature adjustment?
What are the types of automatic and programmable thermostats?
How do I choose a programmable thermostat?
How precise is the thermostat?
Are there any other things to consider?
Is there a simpler way to control your environment?
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